Sunday, July 4, 2010

Go For A Recumbent Trike of Bike To Exercise Right At Home

One of the best exercises that man can do in order to break a sweat and keep himself healthy and fit is to ride a bike. He can ride it around the neighborhood and all through town or he can choose to go up in a mountain for more leverage and power. There are a lot of people who do like to go biking around but some of them are afraid that they might encounter something not good. Streets are dangerous these days but they don’t have to worry. Now, they can pedal for hours and even simulate biking going uphill with the use of a recumbent bike and they can do all that right in their own home anytime they want. You can even find a stationary recumbent trike if you wanted to and still get the same benefits.

So, why is the recumbent trike or bike is best recommended? So many people, especially the men, neglect their lower bodies when they workout, especially in strength training. Most men are very proud to show off their six pack abs and their biceps and everything located at the upper body. But when you look at the lower half, they look like Christmas trees. They have big bodies on top with small legs and it’s not proportionate with the over-all appearance. Why is this? It’s because it's easier to get an upper body workout at home. But with a stationary recumbent trike, they can build leg muscles, while doing curls as they pedal. With this type of equipment, they can work out both upper and lower body area at the same time.

Recumbent trikes or bikes can also allow them to get a great cardio workout without the discomfort compared to other types of exercise bikes. With the large, comfortable bucket seats of recumbent bikes, they will really enjoy their workout without any pain and they can exercise while they relax. With this type of equipment, not only they can benefit from working out both their upper and lower body but it can even help them get rid of stress.

This is what I’ve been looking for- a way to exercise so that I can minimize stress and a recumbent trike can certainly do that for you. But of course, if you want to make your exercise a little bit pressured, you can adjust the intensity and you can simulate pedaling uphill or through ragged terrain and still, you feel relaxed, you can breathe deeply but you don’t feel running out of breath. This is the most important thing you should observe. It’s not good to exercise and you feel so pressured, so stressed out and strenuous after doing so.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Schwinn Recumbent Bike Is the Best Investment You Can Ever Have

There are many ways to exercise and it’s up to a person what he wants to do to sweat it out. One of the cheapest way to break a sweat is jogging. All one needs to invest in are a pair of running shoes, shorts and shirts and he can add headbands, water jugs, towels, soap, shampoo, an inflatable toy and a rubber ducky then, head off to the nearest beach and have fun swimming after jogging. No, seriously, jogging is one of the best ways to break a sweat but what about biking?

Biking is also one of the best ways to exercise and it’s good for the heart but there are some who wouldn’t want to take the risk in pedaling around town. The streets are dangerous these days, so they say. So, they just stay at home and use their Schwinn recumbent bike. This bike the most comfortable way to exercise and it can be used by anyone from a small child to a full-sized adult because it is user-flexibility.

There are lots of different types of exercise machines around but I prefer to go for recumbent bike because it makes you relax while you are exercising. How is that? Recumbent bikes have reclined seats, right? It’s the new way in pedaling around while you look as if you’re lying down. It minimizes the pressure on your feet since your weight is not brought down on your legs. Now, imagine doing this or sitting like this right in the comforts of your own home. Yes, that’s right. A stationary recumbent bike is the way to exercise. But of all brands of bikes like these, the best one that you can choose is the Schwinn recumbent bike.

Schwinn is a brand or name that is almost synonymous with the word “bicycle”. Schwinn was the one who made history of American bicycle. For more than half a century later, Schwinn has been addressing the need for man to exercise and this is where they came up with exercise bikes, recumbent bikes and the traditional bikes.

It was in 1895 that the development of bicycles in America have led to the development of the stationary recumbent bikes that we know of today which is used for indoor exercise. A lot of people always believed that the development of exercise bikes was an accident and shall we say, out of desperation.

During that time, the leading manufacturer of bicycles was a company created by Adolph Arnold and Ignaz Schwinn and was first named as Arnold, Schwinn & Company in Chicago, IL. Schwinn has a long track record when it comes to bicycles, longer than any other company. If you want to go for exercise bikes, you see to it that you go for Schwinn and not just any Schwinn gadgets but a Schwinn recumbent bike for maximum comfort while exercising right in the comforts and privacy of your own home.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Recumbent Bike Is An Alternative Way Better Than The Traditional

Exercise is the only way to stay in shape and to get out of health problems. But sad to say, many people always say that they have no time for such things. Well, you can't blame them. Maybe they want to go jogging every morning but they can't. Maybe they want to go out biking but their hectic schedules won't let them and besides, it's getting dangerous to be out there pedaling with all your might.

Well, if a person wants to get on his bike and pedal his way to good health, the best thing he has to do is stay at home. You don’t believe it? But with a recumbent bike, you can bike all you want as if you’re pedaling all around the world but you’re just staying at home. Now, that’s the most convenient and safest way to exercise and exercise is recumbent bike.

For most people, the best way to exercise is to wake up early in the morning and jog around the neighborhood or around the countryside or whatever that pleases you, right? Well, they are absolutely right. Nothing beats the cool and peaceful environment while jogging and gulping some fresh air is the best. But you see, during these times when we are all very busy, a recumbent bike is way better than the traditional way of exercising. Let me prove my point.

I, for one, is a very busy man just like you. But before, I used to wake up early, jog early and head off to the office early. But today, things a little bit different. I became busier and I can’t compromise my daily obligations at home and in the office. I need to exercise but waking up very early in the morning has only one thing in my mind and that’s to get to the office as early as possible. So, I tried to find some ways on how to exercise without compromising anything and that’s when I found a recumbent bike to be the best alternative.

Ever since I bought that gadget, I can exercise whenever I want and wherever I want. I can even exercise in the middle of the night if I wanted to and I wouldn’t wake up other people because the recumbent bike I’ve chosen is quiet. The best thing that I like about that bike is that it has adjustability. You can adjust the pressure of the bike. That’s why, your one-hour traditional exercise can be cut down in half. Every morning, I can exercise for around 20 to 25 minutes on my recumbent bike and I feel that I’ve been sweating it out for a full hour.

In conclusion, a recumbent bike is best for people who are busy bees. And what’s more, because you can adjust the pressure, it is also suitable for people for all walks of life. Even my 8-year-old daughter and my 6o-year-old mother love to get on the recumbent bike and have a fine time exercising.